Safety First
The safety policy of Sun Coast Roofing Services is to comply with the standards of the Occupational Safety and Health Act and to have a safe and injury/illness free job site that protects our employees and our customers. Sun Coast Roofing Services is committed to ensuring that our employees do not work in an environment that is hazardous or dangerous to your safety or health.
All new employees will receive a safety orientation before beginning work. The Supervisor/Foreman or the Corporate Compliance Manager will provide this training. Training will consist of instructing employees in the recognition and avoidance of unsafe conditions, safe working practices, the importance of job site safety and a review of the company safety program.
Safety meetings will be conducted at the beginning of every new job to review the work processes and assess safety requirements needed to perform the work safely. All company employees that will perform work on site will attend this meeting.
Site Safety meetings will be conducted every Monday or Friday morning before work begins. Meetings will be a “toolbox” type meeting and relevant safety concerns will be discussed. The supervisor conducting the meeting will be discussed and attendees in a written record to be maintained by the company.
The best way of preventing accidents is to identify possible sources that may cause them on the job site. Construction processes are very fluid, and conditions change on job sites from minute to minute. Also, many different employees from different trades are on site therefore, the potential for danger continues to grow bigger. For this reason, it is important for all employees to be alert to situations that may cause accidents and take corrective action.
Daily job site inspections must be made by the supervisor to identify such conditions or hazards that require correction or special attention.
Maintaining a clean job site is a very important part of accident prevention. Disorder of materials and scrap is a source of fires and injuries. Our Staff will maintain good housekeeping in the work area. Some general housekeeping practices are listed below.
Sun Coast Roofing is equipped with OSHA Authorized Construction Trainers.