Has your Insurance Company denied your roof claim?
It is difficult for the average homeowner to navigate through the daunting challenges of the Insurance Claims process all alone. And while no one can do this for you, you do not have to do it alone. We are here for you, every step of the way – helping you understand all that you need to know in order to secure a beautiful new roof on your home – even if the Insurance Company does at first say “no.”
Sometimes Insurance Adjusters overlook obvious aspects of roofing damage to your home. There may be many motivations or reasons for this, but the end result is that if you get your roof claim denied — even when you know there’s damage, that doesn’t necessarily mean the end of the road. Not at all. Sometimes you just need a fresh perspective.
If you believe your roof has damage, or if you’ve been told by a Roofing Inspector that you have hail or wind damage, you may need a new roof. And if your Insurance Company Claims Adjuster tells you “no,” and they deny your claim, then it is time to call Sun Coast Roofing and Solar to get a second opinion.
It is always good to get a fresh set of eyes on your project, just to make sure. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by calling us today. The call is free, the consultation with an Insurance Specialist at Sun Coast Roofing and Solar is free, and we will give you a personalized Free Home Assessment. Let us walk you through our process and see if we can help.